Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Trailer Park Tuesdays - SDCC Edition - Mad Max: Fury Road

The wasteland that is Trailer Park Tuesdays is about to get its shit rocked. . .

Over the weekend at the annual Comic Con in San Diego, California the trailer for the new Mad Max film premiered.  It justifiably set a buzz on the internet.  This movie was long rumored before going into a long production with reshoots and etc, etc., but HOLY SHIT DOES IT LOOK AMAZING!

I was already very much looking forward to this movie.  Now I'm convinced Mad Max: Fury Road might very well be THE movie of summer 2015.  Feast!:

Some quick takeaways:


Tom Hardy looks cool and suitably badass.  Looks like Max is having a rough time in this one.
Also, I've read that he only has 19 lines of dialogue in the entire movie.  Very badass.

Lots of cool cars, cool car stunts, and crazy looking freaks.  Also, it's dusty, deserty, and apocalyptic.
Basically everything a Mad Max should have and be.

Whoa, check out Charlize Theron!

Hugh Keays-Byrne, who played Toecutter in the OG Max, here plays a new character and he looks CRAZY!

There's some CGI stuff in there, we'll see how that goes, I'll keep an open mind, 'cause..

HOLY SHIT!  This looks good.

Mad Max: Fury Road squeals its tires into theaters May 17th, 2015.  . . .Not soon enough.

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